This Specialization is intended for all programming enthusiasts, as well as beginners, computer and other scientists, and artificial intelligence enthusiasts seeking to develop their programming skills in the foundational languages of C and C++. Through the four courses — two in C, and two in C++ — you will cover the basics of programming in C and move on to the more advanced C++ semantics and syntax, which will prepare you to apply these skills to a number of higher-level problems using AI algorithms and Monte Carlo evaluation in complex games.

C and C++ Programming are must to learn for everyone who are interested in programming and want to start their career in software industry. It is the basic foundation of any programming languages. All the programming languages like java, c# or any object oriented programming language are all inherited from c and c++.

In this course you will learn all the basic fundamentals of c and c++


write their own programs in C

Write C++ Programming according to the requirements

Grad strong Object Oriented knowledge in C++

Bag strong basic fundamental knowledge in C and C++

Understand any standard program written in C and C++

Start Career in C and C++

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